A dogs’ life isn’t long enough for many things. But long enough to do just one thing right – to love unconditionally!
Not a selfish kind of love we humans are accustomed to — where give and take is quantified and measured and the terms of the same are renegotiated every other day.
A dog’s love is playful, fulfilling, & unconditional. Sometimes I feel that the purpose of my life is to create such love and spread it to every being I meet.
But then, I am not a dog !
A fixed dose of judgements, calculations, defensiveness enters my conditioned brain, once I try to become a “Dogable person”.
The dreadful irony is that “mankind” believes itself to be so superior to its earthmates, that even the image of God – a universal energy that created existence – is carved out of the image of a human being, preferably a man.
Even after declaration of the creator God in its own image, a human is incapable of selfless love. Even when one loves one’s kids, it is with an ulterior motive of finding a helping hand in the wretched old age.
All the other species love & protect their offsprings just as much as required by nature, without expections in future – the kind of love that is self- sustaining, courageous, & unconditional.
But for man, the downfall came when he decided to conquer the elements of nature, & in such a conquiring, imagined itself to be the master of universe.
Maybe a “dog’s love” is a gentle reminder to the decadent human race, of the kind of love we could have been capable of, if we didn’t stumble to the serpentine greed of power and self-importance – the original sin we all are culprit of !

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